Saturday, November 28, 2009


几个色调 可以绘出鲜艳和暗淡
景色 却总是出人预料

盘旋在周边的调调 是否可以不绘而亮
累积的积压和融合 挤压颜料的手法

看不透的距离 猜不懂的心
不上轨道的心情 把我窒息

那颗 闪亮的星

to couples

g r e y i n b e h i n d

Saturday, November 21, 2009


surprising that it's all TRUE

surprising that there is a SUNSHINE outside my door gate

surprising that alien baby already 3 month +++

I couldn't describe the feeling on that moments
It's really a BIG SHOCK

and i can feel my mouth smiling and laughing all the times

look silly and dumb

1st time across the line that u draw for me
surprise surprising surprised

{ keep in heart }